About Jesus

About Jesus

Living on the Central Coast offers so much – like an easy outdoor lifestyle, affordable housing, and a really family-friendly environment. So it’s no surprise we’re all aiming to live the good life here. But the truth is, if we settle for only these good things we see around us, we’re missing out on so much more. 

You see, we believe there’s something much better on offer – the good life with God now (and forever!) through Jesus.

Let me explain: God made everything and everyone. And He gave us all the good things in this world for us to enjoy with him.

But, tragically, while we enjoy the good things God’s given us we haven’t cared to live the way he wants us to. We’ve practically lived like he’s not even there. We’ve had a bad attitude towards God, and so we don’t love him or respect him as we should. 

The terrible consequence of this is a broken relationship with God. Not surprisingly, this makes God angry and brings his judgement. 

God sent Jesus to meet us where we're at

Jesus stood in our place and took what we deserve – God’s anger and judgement – when he died on the cross. When Jesus rose from the dead, he opened the way for us to turn our bad attitude around, to live a new, restored and truly good life with God.

This is the good news about Jesus – that life with God is good. 

That he forgives you. 

That he gives you eternal life. 

That he’ll save you for good from this life of suffering one day.  

That all this good is yours – just by trusting that God sent Jesus to die and rise from the dead for you.

This good news is the key to living the good life.

For all the Coast promises, only Jesus can truly deliver on the good life. And the best bit is, God wants you to enjoy it with him through Jesus.

This is why knowing Jesus is at the heart of what we do here at GosfordPC.

We’d love for you to get to know Jesus more, whatever your stage of life and wherever you’re at with God.  Here’s how you can find out more:

  1. Listen to a bible talk here about the difference Jesus makes
  2. Join us for a church service this Sunday
  3. To talk with someone from our ministry team, get in touch below.